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This is the year of The World Championship of Fantasy Football. Live draft being held in Las Vegas, Nevada. This event has attracted some big names in the industry and promises to be a fun time for all involved. I’ll be there as a surrogate for a friend and look forward to meeting some of you there.

For more information visit

I think this is one of the better ideas to have come along recently.  Too bad the ante is pretty steep but it seems like it will be worth the investment.

What makes this so interesting is that I see where a lot of players are calling out the so called experts in the industry.  They want them to use their published content as their draft list.  They want to see if they practice what they preach and ultimately if that preaching can turn into winning the World Championship of Fantasy Football.  It’s good to see so much excitement surrounding this event.  I might have to save up my pennies or get Mike Krueger to sponsor me next year!

The other big story is Steve Spurrier.  He has brought a lot of excitement to the D.C. area, not to mention points too!  I’m still a little leery of the offense but I think that defense will be really tough to face.  I like Steve’s approach to the game, he’s laid back and not going to let guys like Mariucci intimidate him.  He’s not out there to make friends, he’s out there to win games.

One area of concern should be Stephen Davis. While it’s hard to get a read in preseason it appears that Davis will have to adjust his running style to this new system.  I’m not so sure how successful he will be in doing that, but these next couple of preseason games will hopefully shed some light on that situation.